Bearing Capacity And Shallow Foundation Notes Pdf

 Bearing Capacity And Shallow Foundation Notes Pdf

Asalamu Aliekum friends, In this article I am going to share the Hand-Written Notes of  Bearing Capacity And Shallow Foundation.This chapter is very important and it consists very good concepts. These concepts are used in other parts of Geotechnical Engineering.

Bearing Capacity And Shallow Foundation Notes Pdf
Bearing Capacity 

Topics Covered

  • Definitions: Shallow Foundation, Deep Foundation, Gross Pressure, Net Pressure, Ultimate Bearing Capacity, Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity, Net Safe Bearing Capacity, Safe Bearing Capacity.
  • Modes of Shear Failure: General Shear Failure, Local Shear Failure, Punching Shear Failure.
  • Rankine Analysis: Rankine considered the plastic equilibrium of two adjacent soil elements, one immediately beneath the footing and other just beyond the edge of the footing. Rankine Analysis is given for Cohesionless Soils. Depth of footing can be calculated from Rankine Formula.
  • Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory: It is based on certain assumptions. It is given for Strip Footing. It is applicable for all type of soils.
  • Factors Affecting Ultimate Bearing Capacity: Effective unit weight, depth of footing, width of footing, effect of footing shape, effect of type of soil, type of failure, choice of shear parameters, effect of water table.
  • Skempton's Analysis: Skempton showed that the bearing capacity factor Nc in Terzaghi's Equation tends to increase with depth for a cohesive soil. He proposed simple expression for the net ultimate bearing capacity of saturated clay under undrain condition.
  • Meyerhoff's Analysis: Meyerhoff gave a general theory of bearing capacity for a Strip Footing at any depth. He has also considered side face resistance.
  • IS Code Method: IS Code gives the equation with additional water table correction in third term.
  • Standard Penetration Test: It is the most commonly used in-situ test, especially for cohesionless soils which can't be easily sampled.
If you find any topic missing in these notes,do that by yourself.

These notes will be very helpful for Semester exams as well as GATE and other Competitive Exams. Try numericals from the Book prescribed in your syllabus or from MADE EASY STUDY PACKAGE.

Bearing Capacity And Shallow Foundation Notes Pdf

Bearing Capacity Notes,geotech notes,civil engg notes, geotech handwritten notes,terzaghi bearing Capacity Notes
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